No language can express the power, and beauty, and heroism, and majesty of a mother’s love. It shrinks not where man cowers, and grows stronger where man faints, and over wastes of worldly fortunes sends the radiance of its quenchless fidelity like a star. ~Edwin Hubbell Chapin (1814–1880)

  All I wanted to do last night was to eat at the dining room table. Discuss the new year, set some ground rules, establish some guidelines…you know, chart a course. Homework, computer time…bedtime you know all those new school year things. Ugh. Failure in every way. The bed times were too early, the rules…

A rat…a hole…and a great big crash.

There are very few things in life I hate more than rats. Actually I am in total agreement with James Cagney that the worst thing you can call someone you despise is a rat. The very thought of a rat makes me shudder. I wasn’t always like this however. Ten years ago before moving to…

Decades later I would look into my father’s eyes and try to reach past the murkiness of Alzheimer’s with my words, my apology, hoping that in his heart he heard me and understood. ~ Pattie Davis ~

I spent almost an hour last night looking for my keys to lock my car. After dumping my purse, going through my pockets, and even looking in the refrigerator as silly as that sounds. I finally sat frustrated and almost in tears to ponder where I could have possibly left them. As she often does…