A proud moment from the Heart…

Good Friday Eve…or as I would like to draw attention to, Maundy Thursday. If you are not familiar with that date it is the Thursday before Easter and the night of the Last Supper. To me, it is one of the most significant times as a deeply flawed person to look at Christ as an…

Just for a moment…imagine.

I’m going to tell you a story dear readers. It’s part fiction, mixed with a great deal of truth. One of the last times I volunteered at the SECU Family House I was touched by the gratitude and sincere appreciation for our being there and supplying breakfast for the guests. I was struck especially by one…

Is there a learner’s permit to teach me to let go? Ugh, thank God they give me a year!

I’ve sat here today knowing that I have no choice but to get ready, and finding a place of resolve to get me to a point that I can actually allow myself to be the PASSENGER in my son’s life leaves me free falling. It will be the first time in our lives together that I will truly have to relinquish control, and that dear readers is something that frightens me beyond words.

What is your ikigai?

You’re probably scratching your head and asking yourself, “What is my What?” That’s perfectly okay, and totally understandable. I stumbled across this word doing some research for this blog, and it fascinated me. The word is derived all the way to the beautiful sandy islands of Okinawa, in the East China Sea. According to the Okinawa…

A “Girl” from the past, and her simple request.

To those of you who know me now, I have happily settled into another version of “Girl Friday” at Cannon Wealth Management Services. This has been my home for over four years now, and I love it here. I get to do what I love to do, take care of people. I get to write…

Give. Part 2 – The noun.

It’s so strange…the methods I use in order to blog. I’ve been thinking about this second half of this blog all week. Unsettling dust in my spirit that hasn’t stirred in years. I sit sometimes for hours in silent reflection. Letting my mind wander aimlessly down hallways I haven’t visited in years. Somedays I open…

Give. Part 1 – The verb.

The word “give” to me has one of the longest definitions I have stumbled across in quite a while. When you think about it, the word “give” is in so many conversations with a wide range of topics. We’ve all used one or many of these sayings: “Give till it hurts!” “Give it all you’ve got!”…

Now I lay me down to sleep…

Each year we join forces with Cannon and Company to support a worthy cause for the Holiday’s. I could not be happier that this year we are raising awareness and asking for your help in supporting The SECU Family House here in Winston-Salem. Much like the Ronald McDonald House, they provide lodging for adult patients…

Total Eclipse of the Heart.

I have one of the best memories of any one I know. People call me requesting that I give them retells of stories gone by. What did they say? What happened then? Details and descriptions of a time long forgotten by most, but still distinct to me. I have had an exceptional life. It has…

We are All Part of Something Bigger…

So, I wanted to take a moment over coffee to ask a favor of you dear reader. As you are hearing the cute phrase throughout today “May the Fourth be with You!” I want you to take a pause and also remember to take note that today, May 4th is also the National Day of…